Sunday, March 22, 2009

Giving In To My Size

I've been resisting pulling out my maternity clothes. I'm not exactly sure why. I remember being very excited to finally get some last time around because I was so darn uncomfortable already in my regular attire. "But you're barely showing" people would say. Well, that may have been true, but the fact was and is that my regular clothes just weren't fitting me comfortably. I had an embarrassing incident today which I already wrote about in my last post but which bears repeating. I was wearing a golf shirt-- the kind with three or four buttons on top and a collar-- only this one is made for hoochie ladies. It's tight and a tad long, which would normally be good for pregnancy. In fact, I bought it during my last pregnancy and wore it until the last month, though not that often, I think. Anyway, when I put it on this morning, I prudently buttoned up until the next-to-top button, as I am not into bearing all, even though what I've got now is more worth bearing. When I got home from picking up my son, going to the organic market and then the grocery store, I realized that all the buttons had come undone and my rainbow bra, not to mention generous sections of my breasts, were available for all to see. It was certainly the most embarrassing thing to happen to me in a while.

Anyway, I did pull out my fave maternity skirt a couple of days ago, to mixed feelings of dread and relief. I have been wearing the oversize hooded t-shirts that my mom sent me, but I'm in denial that they are maternity clothes since, technically, they aren't. But they sure are comfortable. I have a couple of maternity dresses that I'm waiting to get big enough to wear. Some things look OK when you're really protruding, but really grandmotherly-like otherwise. I gave in and wore a skirt that my mother-in-law sent me to a wedding the other day, even though it was literally falling of me the whole time. It was a medium, and I'm a medium but for some reason it was made really big. I pinned it to my tights and then those started coming down from the weight too. I spent a lot of time rearranging my attire that night.

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