Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Getting Cleaner All The Time

I'm no neat freak -- which is a blessing since I have a toddler who habitually dumps the contents of his dinner bowl on the floor and likes the sound of his toys falling off the bookshelf more than he actually likes playing with some of them -- but I do try to maintain some sort of order and hygiene in my home. You know, making sure that surfaces aren't grubby from neglect, washing out the fridge shelves when they get grimy... that sort of thing. These are the kinds of things I take care of on a regular basis as I notice a need for them, but not with any sort of regularity. This is in contrast to more regular chores like washing dishes or scrubbing the floor which I try to do every day and every week respectively.

Well, in the last couple of weeks or so I've been battling some serious buildup of mess and dirt in our house. It's due to the first few weeks of my pregnancy when nothing got done unless it was an absolute necessity. Anything that required getting off the couch, would've had to have been crucial or acutely important to take care of such as a sink overflowing with dishes or laundry when DH was down to his oldest, grungiest pair of undies. Of course, I had help from him but housework takes second place to his schooling with regards to priority setting, and I'm party to that decision. So what had to get done got done, but things like washing the cupboard doors of those mysterious drippings or cleaning the fridge handles didn't happen for ages.

It's only now, about a month after my last terribly nauseous spell, that I'm feeling as though I'm starting to get a grip on the situation. Sure, things get messy around here, but they don't stay that way for long. And the messes don't build up on top of each other, resulting in a pile of work that is as intimidating as it is large. We have manageable disorder.

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