Monday, April 4, 2011

The Bends

So what if I haven't blogged lately?
Well, one problem is that you can't rely on the things I felt last pregnancy to understand how I feel in this one. Though these past two have more in common than the first one did. I don't remember any specific physical hardships the first time around. That is, until the actual birth, which was quite traumatic. The subsequent pregnancies have been more physically demanding.

For instance, I remember going on strike last pregnancy. I told DH that anything on the floor was his domain, as I couldn't reach it. Well, this time around it's not too different, except that in addition to just plain difficulty bending down, I also have a full gastronomic experience every time I pick up a sock. I get a little nauseous, I have to go to the bathroom, I get reflux... all this from one little excursion to the floor.

On the other hand, I am not swollen this time around. Remember my hot-water-bottle-shaped feet? The exploding human sausages at the ends of my legs? Well, it's not a problem this time, at least not so far. Could have to do with the weather. It's been winter here. I spent a lot of my last pregnancy in sweltering conditions.

An unfortunate mainstay of this pregnancy, however, have been yeast infections. I can't believe I'm writing this in a public-ish forum. It's gotten better since

body of a boy

nursing kids

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