Saturday, July 4, 2009

Exhaustion. Third Trimester Kicking In

This pregnancy plus the heat is leaving me exhausted. DS's kindergarten is about four or five city blocks from our house, which is part of the reason why I chose it. It normally takes me about four or five minutes to walk there and even less to walk back since there is a mild incline all the way there not to mention a set of stairs to get from our building to the street (not to mention that we live in a walkup.) Now in the last part of my pregnancy, I get home from dropping him off and I just need to sit down, drink, and relax for a few minutes (which turns into more than just a few minutes when I'm in front of the computer). The fact that it's 40 degrees outside doesn't help matters.

I spent a lot of time relaxing yesterday becaue the day before that, I'd spent about 12 hours in the kitchen on my swolen feet preparing food for a dinner we were hosting (yes, don't worry, DH helped out, but there's only so much he can do). The day before that, we went to a festival on the beach and had to park about a mile away. Even though it was evening, the sun was blazing and I got home so exhausted that I had to go straight to bed.

This morning on the way to nursery I was contemplating how much better I felt after spending the day relaxing yesterday. But by the time I got in my front door, it was all I could do to grab a bottle of water and a box of ceral for some energy before I plopped down in my chair.

Sigh. Well, laundry time calls. I'm sure I'll be back in my chair soon enough.

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