Friday, May 1, 2009

Waddle Waddle

I caught myself waddling the other day.
It's happened a few times since then, but I just want to state my defense: It wasn't the typical "I'm so pregnant that I can't carry the weight" kind of waddle, though the unpracticed observer-- okay, all observers might have trouble telling the difference. My waddle was due to sciatic nerve pain. I get pain in the tuches sometimes, especially after sitting in one place for a while. It's the worst when I look at the clock and realize that I have exactly three minutes to lock up my office, grab the elevator, and run out the door and down the street about a hundred feet to catch the one and only bus that will get me to the daycare on time to pick up my son. I missed it once a couple of weeks ago (fortunately DH was on break that day so he solved the problem) and yesterday it the doors started to shut and it started to move away from me as I was still about 10 feet behind it. I shouted 'wait wait!' and he did. But man, did the effort take a lot out of me.

I have a policy about running for the bus: don't do it. It always leaves me feeling rather ill lately. However, this policy only works in the morning rush hour when there are plenty of buses going my way. By the time I leave the office at about twelve thirty, the flow has tapered down significantly. In fact, I was lucky to discover this one private bus company that does a run down to near where I need to go at more or less when I need it. Otherwise I'd be having to leave work early every time I didn't have the car. It can really add up since I get paid hourly.

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