Thursday, May 21, 2009

Road Trip

Talk about a speed bump. We (DH, DS and I) took a spontaneous road trip to the desert last week. I don't know if it was the strange and abundant food that we were served at the hotel, or the sudden onset of actual exercise that I suddenly inflicted on my body or the heat or just being away from home, but things changed.

I mean, you expect that your kid's sleeping or eating schedule will be affected by a change in routine, but not until after it's born.

Constipation is a common complaint of pregnant women but in all of my first and so far in my 2nd pregnancy it hasn't been a problem. Frequent and small urination is another symptom but again, it didn't affect me. All of a sudden I was suffering from both these ailments.

Most worrisome was that on about the second afternoon of our trip I noticed that the baby hadn't been kicking-- or hardly at all. This is a VERY kicky baby. Whenever I stop to pay attention, it's doing a little jig. And all of a sudden, all I was feeling was a mellow little yawn from deep in my abdomen. And that's after sitting and waiting to feel some movement.

I didn't worry too much about it. Maybe it was just crowded in there with all the (ahem) excess excrement that wasn't getting excreted. In any case, the day after we got back home, I was totally back to normal. The fetus was doing it's sports routine and I was (ahem) doing mine.

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