Monday, April 20, 2009

What To Wear: Swimming

This afternoon was hot hot hot so I decided it was a good time to take DS to the pool.
The only problem was the age-old question of what to wear. I'm not concerned about looking particularly sexy at this venue-- not that I'm feeling particularly sexy-looking these days. It was more a matter of finding a pair of shorts and a shirt that a)I don't mind wearing in chlorinated water and b)won't drag me down and c)fit.

I managed to get a pair of surf shorts up over my expanded hips and swelling bum, but it was so tight that I couldn't bear wearing them for any longer than a few minutes. I looked through my husband's stuff but men don't have hips and he and I are basically the same size when I'm normal-sized. So his closet was out. Then I turned to the pyjama section of our wardrobe (I keep all our PJs in one stack because we have limited space and not that many pjs between us.) I found a pair of my sleeping shorts that have a drawstring and that fit quite comfortably, but they were actually a little too sexy somehow. I put them to the side. Next, I tried a pair of knee-length sleeping shorts of DH's, and those fit well with only a minimum of geekiness (I'm more comfortable with geeky better than sexy, though I like to stay closer to the latter.) Then I came across a pair of blue boxers which kind of looked ok. I ended up taking the boxers and the knee shorts with me and then wearing the boxers. Turns out there was another girl in boxers at the pool, so I had company. Not that it really mattered. This particular pool at this particular hour hosts mostly retirees in little speedos and dimpled bathing caps. They swim with their glasses on.

Most of the shirts that fit me are maternity shirts and they are mostly fairly new so there isn't really much I would want to risk wearing in the pool. Eventually I settled on a t-shirt that is a carry-over from my pre-pregnancy days but is very stretchy and long and, happily, has a little hole in the back so I don't mind potentially ruining it.

Now the question is if I should actually invest in some serious swim wear. I do intend to spend some serious time there with DS this summer.

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