Sunday, December 21, 2008


A bunch of things happened in the last week or so.
First of all, I have begun to be less exhausted and less nauseous. It's not gone completely (for instance, right now I wish I could just curl up in my bed and go to sleep) but it's definitely better. I have learned that a lot, though not all of the exhaustion and nausea can be controlled if I just eat before I get tired and queasy. Once they hit, however, I find it really difficult to eat, even though I know it's what will make me feel better. Actually, besides the ocassional hamburger or pasta craving (or carrots or juice), I am finding it really hard to figure out what it is I want to eat lately. The stakes are so high but even more importantly, nothing appeals. Nothing. Often. I know that a pretty good backup is always toast with butter. So I've been eating a lot of that.
Another development is that I'm showing! I was playing 'where's my bellybutton' with the baby (he initiated it by lifting up my shirt-- probably wasn't aiming for my bellybutton). When it came time to point to mine, I noticed that it was a little dry and... why does it look that way? Oh my gosh, it's stretched flat out. I'd been feeling a little heavy in the last couple of days so I guess that's what was happening. Though I'm still wearing my regular favorite denim skirt that, when stuff stops fitting will be the first thing to go. At least, that's what happened last time. In other words, I'm showing but the only person who's seeing it, really, is me.
The last thing is that I had an ultrasound done last Wednesday. This doctor, whose machine is apparently a lot more advanced, (or something) told me that I was actually 9 weeks. Nine weeks, one day, I believe. He also showed me that the extra little balloon in my uterus has disintegrated. I guess there goes my hope of having twins this time. Well, as long as the existing baby is healthy and strong, that's what matters. I hate those ultrasounds. They make me uncomfortable for days. I told Ilan that next pregnancy I'm not doing any. Of course, I told him the same for this one and then he made me take just one to make certain of the baby's age. Fetus's age, I should say. That one led to this one. I intend to be a very difficult patient if anyone else tries to go poking around inside me at either end of the pregnancy. I have every right. I'm pregnant.

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