Saturday, October 23, 2010

Barf Two

Yeah, it happened today. I was feeling mildly blah, but just mildly. But bad enough that I didn't feel like doing anything productive and only wanted to sit and drink my tea and read the newspaper ads. Then DD woke up from her nap. As I picked her up, she gave me a good kick in the stomach. In just that right place... I didn't know there was a nausea button on my navel but apparently there is. I put her down on the bed to change her diaper and that's what really hastened the event. I ran over to the toilet with her crying at the sudden abandonment and trailing along behind me, trying to see what was going on. Fortunately, it was just a little, minor barf. So I could turn my attentions to her rather quickly and prevent her from investigating it. But it earns a mention nonetheless.

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