We finally told our families last week about the pregnancies. My mother-in-law, who is pissed at me for a related argument, retreated to the kitchen and muttered things about 'I told you so.'
Oh, the way we did it was that we handed my 3 year-old DS the ultrasound picture and he was to hand it to her. Which he did. She looked at it and handed it to her housekeeper/friend who said 'oh, this is (my niece's) old ultrasound. It's been around for 3 years." I told her to look closer. And she did... The truth eventually came out. We had family over from out of town and everyone was assembled at my in-laws. Everyone came and congratulated me and gave kisses and things. Bleh. Congratulate me when it comes out. For now just back off an hope I don't barf on you. Oh, and order me non raw sushis.
I would have preferred launching the news with a single phone call to each in-law household and then waiting for the news to spread viraly, which it surely would have in ten minutes, maximum. I'm really not one for show-and-tell when it comes to my body. Especially since everyone kept saying 'oh yeah, you're showing!' When just hours before they were saying 'you're so thin.' So much for objectivity. I gave my husband permission to do it this way because the last two pregnancies were announced, I believe, over Skype since we were out of town. I grined, bared it, and then hustled out of there as soon as was respectfully possible. Bleh.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Showing Whom?
Second Trimester Begins, Sleepiness Continues.
This pregnancy has been way crazier than my last two. I am so worn out by the end of the day-- no matter what my day consisted of-- that I'm fast asleep by 9pm. Then I wrench myself out of my son's bed around 10, shuffle to my bed, put my head on the cool pillow 'just for a few minutes' before opening my eyes at 11 or so when I finally give up my idea of folding the laundry. I change into my PJs and officially go to sleep.
I'm already into the second trimester! I'm worried that this pregnancy is going to be worse than my last one during which I was exhausted for the entire period. I don't know if I ever saw midnight.
I shouldn't complain. My nausea is all but gone. I still don't have much of an appetite for things I used to crave, but at least I am not having to deal with the constant feeling of having to throw up. I did have a third barf in the first semester that I didn't write about -- probably because I was sleeping. But that was over 3 weeks ago and I have felt better ever since.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Barf Two
Yeah, it happened today. I was feeling mildly blah, but just mildly. But bad enough that I didn't feel like doing anything productive and only wanted to sit and drink my tea and read the newspaper ads. Then DD woke up from her nap. As I picked her up, she gave me a good kick in the stomach. In just that right place... I didn't know there was a nausea button on my navel but apparently there is. I put her down on the bed to change her diaper and that's what really hastened the event. I ran over to the toilet with her crying at the sudden abandonment and trailing along behind me, trying to see what was going on. Fortunately, it was just a little, minor barf. So I could turn my attentions to her rather quickly and prevent her from investigating it. But it earns a mention nonetheless.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Slowly Moving Forward and Back and One Barf
I finally made a Dr.'s appointment. It's not for another week but that was all I could get. I have no idea how pregnant I actually am. I'm guessing somewhere around 2 months.
I have been doing ok, all things considered. I remember my first two pregnancies-- me falling asleep as I taught an online class and being woken up by my students wondering what was taking me so long to answer their questions. That was P1. Or P2, me, sitting on the couch, completely unable to move for fear that I will aggravate my nausea and having DH bring me carrot sticks, the only thing I could fathom eating. Those are both first trimester stories.
This time things have been pretty mild. I was hovering around somewhere just below normal-- pretty tired, especially after the kid's bedtime when I pretty much crash. Also mildly nauseous but not enough to stop me from doing most things.
That was all true until a couple of nights ago when, after a slightly long car ride with my DH at the wheel, I had no choice but to leave him with the kids and the bags and retreat into bed. I was so nauseous and tired that I just couldn't function. I fell asleep but that didn't stop the nausea. When I awoke a few hours later I sat up in bed and tried to gauge my status. I didn't have to do much guessing. I got that feeling and made for the bathroom. Barf. Hopefully the first and last one of this pregnancy. It didn't even make the nausea go completely away, and it left me feeling completely wiped out, sitting on my son's pee-pee stool and waiting for some external influence to decide my next move. Because I was still nauseous I was afraid to even rinse out my mouth or take a drink or eat anything. I went back to bed and had DH handle all the crying calls from the kids for the rest of the night. At one point DS came over to our bed as he usually does. Usually it's fine but this time he was bouncing around and kicking me in the stomach. Besides a lack of sleep, I felt like I was on a turbulent flight. This was not the recovery scenario I needed.
Because he'd been up so much during the night, I felt like I should get up with the kids in the morning. That's when I finally had some apple juice to soothe my parched mouth. DH replaced me about an hour later and that's when I finally got some rest. When we went out that day, however, I felt really short of breath and found it very difficult to stand. We were in a big-box store and there was nowhere to sit. I found a rolling set of stairs and perched on there for a while. Finally I realized that the reason I wasn't able to get air into my lungs was because my bra was too tight. I haven't worn one since. Thank God the weather is cool enough to wear a bulky sweater.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
The Signs
The signs have been there for a few weeks already. Unexpected bouts of emotion (usually I consider myself rather dry in that department), advancing fatigue, pimple popping and, oh yeah. Remember my last posting? Let's follow that up with Period. Period. Period. No Period. Then there's the thirst. Boy oh boy, pass the water bottle!
As if I needed confirmation, I peed in a cup and DH (he didn't want the news over the phone or in a text message like last time) eyedropped it into the little cassette (that's what it's called in the packaging) and read the results to me with a smile. I took it from him, barely glanced at it, stuck it on a shelf for further examination, and went back to making school lunches. It's still sitting there, actually, but I'll take his word for it. After all... all the signs are there.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Brazil Belly
I weighed myself yesterday. All scales say different things and this was one of those quite unreliable digital ones that give you two different results in a ten second span. However I clocked in between 62 and 63.5 consistently over the time I was using that scale. Which puts me in at about 2.5 kg or 6lbs over where I would like myself to be. On the other hand, we are on vacation and I've been pigging out.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Remember The Tooth?
I thought that my pregnancy woes would end after I gave birth but no, some things linger on (besides my muffin top.)
Faithful readers will recall that I had more than a wee bit of trouble with my teeth during pregnancy. Well, my post pregnancy teeth weren't fully recovered. The one tooth I had treated was still sensitive until last week when all of a sudden the pain went away. Odd. Then I developed a bump on my gum just above that tooth. Odder. Actually, a bump on your gum is kind of scary. To make a long story short, it turned out to be an abscess-- a bubble of infection above my now necrotic tooth and I had to get a root canal in it. Turns out I'd had an infection there probably the whole time which eventually reached the bone. The tooth then died. Most unpleasant and, worse, expensive. I've become an avid flosser.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Having More Soon?
So it's just over six months since wee one was born, and life is just starting to come into order again. Which is probably why people want to know if I'm having another anytime soon. Maybe they ask because of how close my first two are. Which isn't all that close, really.
My answer is usually a very frank "not today." This usually gets people off my case.
Rest assured, dear readers (the multitude of my most faithful) you will be the first to know.
Just don't hold your breath.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Grey Hair
Kids. What they do to you. DH has told me several times in the past that I have a grey hair sprouting. I have never believed him. But today I saw one sprouting right up in the middle of my forehead. This even has made me feel 'old' in the way that no other event has. I have friends who've been sprouting grey hairs since they were in middle school-- mostly people with dark hair-- but it was never something I had. So on me grey = aging. Them's the breaks, I guess.
Mommy Brain
When I was pregnant this time I had what they called 'pregnancy brain.' I don't think that's the official medical term but it sure does paint the picture. I called it 'train leaving the station brain' because that's what it felt like. An idea would pop in but it would pull out of my brain before I had time to access it.
Pregnancy brain didn't end so much with the end of my pregnancy. It's only this week that I'm finding myself feeling somewhat organized and getting things done. Some of this might have to do with the fact that DD is now sitting and can entertain herself in this position for longer periods of time so I actually can get things done.
Whatever the reason is, it's a good feeling. DH also likes it. It's the first time our entire apartment has been clean at the same time since we moved in 4 months ago.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Hair Loss Woes Continued
If the Skirt Fits
It fits! The skirt that I've been thinking should fit me but hadn't until now... fits! Which means that other clothes that depend on my hip breath should fit too!! Celebrate! My wardrobe and I are reunited. Now if I can only get toned up a bit and rid of this flab....
After my last pregnancy it took me 4 months to fit back into all my clothes. It's now about five and a half months since I gave birth now. Assuming that all my clothes really do fit and it's not just this skirt, I'm still not doing TOO badly.