I was having a conversation with my coworker today about second pregnancies and firstborn children. She says that jealousy and some element of trauma are unavoidable. This is just what I'm afraid of.
My DS is so young. I've been trying to explain to him about this huge event that is about to take place in his life in a few weeks, but I'm not sure how much he's picking up on it. Then again, kids his age just absorb and absorb and you don't even realize what sponges they are until they surprise you one day by demonstrating that they've been paying attention all along. So I'm trying to soften the blow by starting to break the news to him now.
He is very intersted in my growing belly. He has definitely noticed something up with it. I tell him "you know what's in Mamma's belly? A baby! You know what's in your belly? Cheerios!" (which is usually the case.) I also say "One day I'm going to bring you home a baby. Do you want a baby?" He knows what babies are-- mostly from pictures. He can identify them, anyway. So I'm hoping he'll be excited when this new arrival shows up in his life.
The word 'trauma' is a large one, and it can be understood at many different levels. Trauma is necessary for growth. Look at it that way. Trauma can take different forms. So yes, when I bring home the new baby there will inevitably be some changes at home, but I've got to remember that even if it is difficult for him at first, it's better for him (and us all) in the long run. Like letting him cry a bit at bedtime. Right? Tell me I'm right.

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