I thought that I was showing, but after my shower this morning I was rubbing cocoa butter lotion on my tummy and realized how mushy it is. A pregnant belly is hard. I think I'm just getting fat.
There is, however, a baby growing inside of me. I saw it on the ultrasound machine the other day. They're crazy for ultrasounds in this country. Thank goodness I've gotten to the stage where they can do it from my belly as opposed to AHEM.
Anyway, the doctor also looked at the results of my latest blood tests. It was the second test of it's type. I had to redo the first one after my platelets appeared dangerously low on it. This is somewhat normal for me. My platelets and iron always show up somewhat low. That's why I was surprised when, on the redo the tests came out without a hitch-- normal platelets, normal iron. I'm convinced the tests must be on someone else's blood. I also appear to be CMV negative, which means that I've never had that particular virus. This is slightly alarming (though apparently doctors here tend to be alarmist about it) because if I do get the virus during pregnancy, God forbid, it can seriously harm the fetus. In non pregnant people or non immunocompromised people, it's just a regular flu. He advised me to be extra hygenic and not play with other people's kids. Which would, in theory prevent me from sending my kid to nursery since they all pick up germs from each other there. He also told me to avoid changing diapers. I can handle that.

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